All-natural Cuban Tobacco has been handcrafted on the island nation for more than a 1000 years. It is estimated there are over 200 stages to creating a single cigar, with each step adding a unique layer of taste and aroma. The end result is a truly superior experience which makes Cuban cigars one of, if not the, best in the world.
- Sweet Cuban tobacco
- 10ml nic salt
- VG:PG 50:50
- 5mg, 11mg & 20mg options
The Just Juice Tobacco Club nic salt range is a collection of tobacco-based blends adding distinctive global flavours to a base of rich Cuban & Nicaraguan tobacco.
Each Tobacco Club nic salt blend comes with a VG:PG 50:50 ratio for a balance of vapour and flavour and are available in a choice of 5mg, 11mg and 20mg nicotine strengths.